30 June 2013


Today, I celebrate twenty-three years of life on this beautiful, crazy, tragic, painful Earth.

One year ago, I officially posted for the first time about my choice to spend my 22nd year in Ghana, West Africa.
One year ago, I was TERRIFIED... and so excited. I knew what I was supposed to do, but I didn't really know why.
One year later, my heart aches to return. But now, I am realizing that my life is an act of obedience. As I was obedient to the Lord in going to Ghana 10 months ago, I am also striving to be joyfully obedient in my return to Washington.

When I was 22...
...I traveled the world.
...I spent my first year as a post-graduate.
...I taught in the back corner of a small classroom.
...I loved on 35 CORM kids relentlessly.
...people around the world loved on me relentlessly.
...Jesus showed Himself to me in new and beautiful ways.
...I grew. I cried. I loved. I lost. I gained. I sang. I danced. I ran. I cheered. I taught. I suffered. I grieved. I challenged. I was challenged. I conquered. I changed.

I'd call that a successful year.

Today, I spent the day with some of my sweetest friends, cheering for the Mariners, getting a sunburn, and strolling around downtown Ballard in search of delicious food. I look forward to my move to Kennewick in two weeks. I celebrate the work Jesus has done and is continuing to do in my life. Today, I celebrate life.

Cheers to 23, the new adventures it has to bring, and a little more Jesus in my life every day.

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