05 October 2012


Every week at Bible Study, Robin (see “Names” post) asks us what our “Word for the week” is… A word that describes how we are coming into the night, how we have been, what we are worried about, how we are feeling… Anything. Last week, I cheated a little and used the compound word “up-and-down”. Thank you, hyphens. But really, this was the only thing that captured my week… Whirlwind? Stressful? Unexpected? I guess those could have worked too.
Here is a mini-synopsis of the teacher situation at my school…
1.       Day before school starts, 2nd grade teacher has to quit for a family emergency. I get asked to teach the class until Autumn can find a replacement.
2.       The end of week 2, we learn the teacher is going to be able to come back. I am told that someone else (my co-teacher) will cover Monday & Tuesday and the teacher will be back Wednesday.
3.       Teacher never comes the next week (week 3), other teacher is gone Thursday and Friday, I cover for 2nd grade on Thursday. I get driven out of the classroom in tears and Autumn has to come cover for me while I get my act together.
4.       This week (week 4), 2nd grade teacher finally comes back.
5.       Last Friday, 1st grade teacher has to quit because her mom is sick. One of the kindergarten aides has been covering in the class (because the teacher missed 3 days) and was expected to continue in there.
6.       This week, the kindergarten aide doesn’t show up to school and doesn’t answer her phone when Autumn calls! Meaning that my co-teacher and I have been switching off in the class covering…
So basically, right now, we don’t have a 1st grade teacher. My classroom is still covered in wood shavings and carpentry projects, so I haven’t been able to do any small group work… I have been doing one-on-one instruction with 2 students on the days when I haven’t been covering for a class, but that has only been two-and-a-half days (of the 16 days we’ve had of school!). Needless to say, life is a little crazy.
I feel like the message God has been trying to get across to me is “Don’t get too comfortable in the role you imagine yourself having here… I used SpEd to bring you to this country, and now I will lead you where you need to go.” As though my purpose here isn’t just in my classroom… As though there is more to this journey for me. But I don’t know what that will look like or how it will play out during my time here. So for now, I will just walk in faith day by day, trusting that even when I am put in the most random and frustrating situations, there is a reason behind it all.
There have been good parts too, both in and out of the “classroom”… Holding Bismark’s hand as we walk up-and-down the football field, counting our steps in groups of 20. Seeing his face light up when we read our Social Story about being in school and he realizes it’s a book all about him. Listening to Theresa tell me that she wants to learn to read and write, even though she is 17 years old. Watching a fashion show at the Accra mall with Holly and Paul and being so confused when the models don’t even stop at the end of the runway. Sitting on the porch drinking tea and reading my book as the rain POURS down around me. Walking and talking with Miracle, seeing the cry for attention in his eyes. Finishing a beaded necklace that has been so frustrating for me to complete. Praying fervently with Holly, Autumn, John, and Stacy at the school after dinner, when everything is dark and everyone feels disheartened. Getting an e-mail from Ryan Miller, the pastor of Branches, and being reminded of how thankful I am for that place. Hearing from Margo and imagining the sweet Spokane life of the Long/McMurray family who all love the fall season so much. Seeing pictures of my sister and her boyfriend at homecoming, looking like they had so much fun. Playing “Ticket to Ride” at the Omorefe house and slowly revealing my scary-competitiveness to Holly, Autumn, and Stacy, all the while being reminded of “Trains” nights at the Compound and missing it dearly. Seeing Moses during lunch with a huge smile on his face and a hug waiting for me. The moment last night where I felt “How can I ever leave this place? There is so much work to be done here” and being so satisfied with the place I am at. There are up-moments, for sure.
I just pray that as my time here continues, I am able to finally settle into a routine, but not a routine that brings abut ruts and complacency… If two years at Branches taught me anything, it is to not settle for ordinary or comfortable. It is to break the order, to create friction, and to take it as good and meaningful… To mix things up from time to time. And certainly, there has been plenty of “mixing” in my time here already… May flexibility reign and may teachers be called forth to this school to be leaders! We need people to make this place work!!!

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