06 March 2012

Happy Today

"This too shall pass."
Last week was... hard.

But this morning I woke up, decided not to shower, and stayed in bed until 6:51 when I realized I needed to leave in exactly 24 minutes if I were to go to Pleasant Blends and get coffee before school.
Well, I left my house at 7:21, but I still went.

At Pleasant Blends, I almost always run into someone that I love (besides Louise, the cute old lady who owns it). However, it was 7:25 in the morning, so I wasn't expecting much... Until I found both Kaitlyn Rebbe (who I lived with my sophomore year and love to play cribbage with and TBR [taco bell run] with and talk about teaching with and just love life with) and Callie Gordon (whom I lived with last fall and is one of my most favorite people, and whom I have found that I admire for a million different awesome qualities about her that are all so simple but so great) at this tiny little coffee shop. Best start to a morning ever.

So then I decided it was a very happy day.
And then I proceeded to think of all the reasons that today is a happy day on my way to school.

First staff meeting. Best day.
Library in the afternoon. Best day.
Didiers tonight. Best day.
Getting to plan for my lesson tomorrow. Best day.
Not having to test all morning. Best day.
Having A.L. and K.D. and K.C. as students. Best day.
Having coffee for the staff meeting. Best day.
Think about Callie Bergstrom like I do every time anyone mentions a Vicki's Special. Best day.
Going skiing on Saturday with Will Horlbeck and hopefully many others. Best day.
Babysitting Saturday evening for two awesome kids. Best day.
Being in New York in 25 days. Best day.
Talking to Anna Lee Gailey yesterday for the first time in a while. Best day.
Having dinner with Callie Gordon tomorrow after taking Connie Lieseke to the airport. Best day.
Thinking about going to Water Aerobics on Thursday. Best day.
Knowing I have a volleyball game Thursday. Best day.

Today was just a happy day. I taught some, did some Animal Boogying with my kindergartners, prepped for an hour and a half after school in a quiet classroom, ate frozen yogurt with wonderful people, got excited for my supervisor to come in tomorrow, and just smiled.
Thank goodness.

"This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it."
Psalm 118:24 <3

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