30 March 2012

Giggles and Spring Break

This week has been conference week, which means I have each set of my kindergartners for a measly hour and a half each day. Unless it's late-start Thursday, on which I got each set for a whole hour and fifteen minutes. We got a lot done that day. It has flown by, especially since my mentor teacher left for Hawaii at 6:00am on Thursday morning, leaving a sub and I for the last two days of the week. It was glorious. By the end of today, most of the kids had a serious case of the giggles. I love hearing them laugh.

I told myself I wouldn't think about next year until the TPA (Teacher Performance Assessment... a gigantic portfolio we completed) was over.. Well, I turned it in on Monday (which brought about much celebration!) and now I have to think about it. SHOOT.

What I do know is that I will be spending the summer in Seattle working as a Special Needs Youth Counselor for Seattle Parks and Rec. I am STOKED and so excited to a) be at camp and b) be working with kids with disabilities! I miss both of these things so much and I cannot wait to spend a summer outside! I don't know where I will be living yet, whether it be at home or closer to Seattle, but miss Anna Gailey will be home planning her wedding and I am beyond excited to spend a few months close to her before she marries the man of her dreams (September 2nd... It will be a glorious day!).

If It were to start a summer bucket list, it would currently look like this:
CAMPING with Caty
CAMPING with Caty
CAMPING with Caty (yes, I put this three times. It's important!!)
Crashing on Tricia and Devin's floor in Spokane (both during the summer and once Devin gets back)
Staying with Randi in Montana
Play in Spike and Dig
Spend 4th of July watching fireworks over a body of water
Go to the Oregon Coast and let the waves wash over my feet
Visit my Grandparents in Ocean Shores and walk on the beach with my grandma
Spend time with the newlywed Alyssa and Karl, as well as cry my eyes out at their wedding
Go to Carkeek Park
Go to the zoo... Oh wait! I get to do that every Friday and get PAID to do it! :)
Go Whale Watching in Port Townsand
Go to Canada with Anna
SWIM as much as possible
Get a YMCA membership
Spend time with Sean and Matthew

I realized that most of these things have to do with people... But that's what I want. I know I will be tired, but I pray that I remember to invest in the people I love.

One month and fourteen days until my college graduation... Now that's just crazy.

Tomorrow I have a 6:10am flight to New York City to spend 6 days with Anna and then continue on to Providence for a day in the life of Erik Ymeraga. What a glorious spring break it will be!

PS- Happy birthday dear Erik :)

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