13 June 2012


"I want you to be a block away so I can text you and say 'Lets go on a walk!' and come find you in 2 seconds."

Sent this to a dear friend tonight... It's true. And true for more people than just him. I miss being surrounded by people who loved well.

From my backyard I can see the elementary school I went to as a child... Tonight I took a walk around it, and it's so different looking at this place from the eyes of a teacher. My 6th grade teacher is still in the same classroom, and I wish I remembered more of my time in her class. I have been subbing in a nearby district, and every day I can pretty much guarantee on at least one of these two comments...
1. "She's so tall!" (usually whispered "quietly" to their friend)
2. "Miss Taylor... do you know/are you related to Taylor Swift/Lautner?"

Oh the minds of small children...

This weekend I will move to Seattle to spend a month and a half living with my best friend and working for Seattle Parks and Recreation. This time will be bittersweet, as a close friend gets married, another prepares for her September wedding, and I prepare for adventure... The highest highs and likely the lowest lows of fear, loneliness, and insecurity in what this next year has to come. Praying for light at the beginning of the tunnel and eyes to see the beauty in what lies ahead.

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